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  • Writer's pictureMegan

How we got here...

The past two years have really taught the entire world that anything is possible. My life is completely different to March 2020, as is everybody's. Had you told me a year ago - let alone pre-pandemic - that I would be taking eight weeks off work (thank you boss!) to drive a crazy 12,000+ mile round trip across three continents, I would have said you were mad. For starters, I didn't even know the other members of RallyDMC!

As a typically Type-A personality this adventure would have been out of my comfort zone at the best of times: let alone post global pandemic (if you believe the Tories that it's over) and potentially heading into serious conflict with one of the largest countries in the world! And yet... after jokingly inviting me to join him on the Mongol Rally on our very first date, Christopher actually managed to convince me to join him on a crazy roadtrip when he finally got the email saying he had a place for 2022. In all honesty, I'm not sure it really took all that much convincing. And although with now only a handful of months to go, our adventure is not quite what we imagined, an adventure it will be.

The Plan

Or in other words, the general lack thereof. After many toing and froing, lack of decisions and constant political changes, the Mongol Rally was put on hold for another year. Other options were made available to us as a team but due to many factors - work commitments, money restraints and a general eagerness to have adventure and have it now - we pulled out. Sadly our plans with the Adventurists have come to an end (for now). One day we may still do the official Mongol Rally but as Mongolia is currently far from being on the cards, we have turned our sights to other equally exciting and hopefully challenging horizons. We are very grateful to the Adventurists for one main thing: the opportunity to meet like-minded, mildly crazy people willing to throw caution to the wind and go on routes unknown! We made friends. So easily. Everyone we met online were lovely and we managed to find people who were willing to collaborate on specific parts of our journey.

It began by watching a vlog (shout-out to KingingIt). I can safely say their content was the main reason I said yes to the rally and the entire reason I wanted to include Iran on our journey. After dropping a few lines to the various Facebook groups we were added to a WhatsApp group of people who also wanted to drive their way through a land of culture regularly villainised by the Western media. We started to form ideas for a guided convoy.

As things in Europe progressed and plans by the Adventurists changed, it was a relief to have people to talk to. The date for VISA applications was nearing and we had to make a decision. With the potential idea to complete Mongolia and the 'Stans another time we soon had our hearts set on a loop of Iran followed by a trek across the North of Africa...

The Proposed Route

Trust me, we are fully aware that things on such expeditions never quite go to plan, but as I said, the Type A personality in me needed a rough structure. If the directions and timeframe change on the way, I will deal with it as it comes, but it is always nice to know roughly where you want to be and when (especially when VISAs are required).

Our aim is to dart across Europe. We know our main goals lie further afield so to gain maximum time in the true adventure we are going to hare it along the well built roads as fast as our little car will take us in order to get to the meaty stuff. The Transfăgărășan Highway is the first bucket list point (mainly for Christopher). After a brief detour to live a Top Gear childhood dream, we will move across to Turkey where we plan to embrace places unknown to us. Istanbul has always been on my list of places to visit and after the aforementioned vlog, Cappadocia had reached high on that list too. We will then be en-route to enter Iran (possibly via Georgia and Armenia). A tour through Iran is the safest option for British tourists and I honestly cannot wait to see the sites and meet the people that live there. Once our Iranian voyage is complete it will be back across Turkey to mainland Europe; chasing the coastline up through Albania, Montenegro and Croatia then back down the length of Italy to reach the very tip of Sicily where a ferry should take us the the next stretch of our journey. Once in Tunisia, we want to take our time to explore completely unknown territories for us - making our way slowly across to Algeria where I am personally expecting to swoon at the Roman remains scattered across the North African coastline. This is then where we will reach a crossroads. Our convoy buddies are much less restricted that us regarding timeframe. I have to be back at work by the 5th September and so we may have to divide our convoy. This all depends on whether the lead up has been smooth or not. If we have broken down, missed a ferry or got stuck at borders, it may mean we can't join our fellows in skirting around the other side of the Mediterranean but cut across straight to Spain from Algeria. But that is getting ahead of ourselves and who knows what challenges we will actually face on the road! Safe to say we want to finish with a bang in Morocco. Another country of new culture and amazing sites - and Christopher will get to live his other dream of antiquing in Tangier (finger's crossed we can fit a rug to the roof box).

It seems impossible to think that in 4 months we will be well on our way, in the depths of adventure. I hope this rambling introduction has got you as excited about following our journey as we are to undertake it. Many more posts to come, each more exciting than the last!!

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We are driving our little Ford Fiesta across 3 continents, 24 countries and over 12,000 miles - all in just 8 weeks! 

Come follow our journey as we go to paths unknown!

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